The Irish Garden Plant Society co-ordinates Plant Collections held within Ireland under the umbrella of Plant Heritage (National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens) NCCPG, which was founded in 1978 in response to concerns about plant conservation in gardens. Collections can embrace species and cultivars, and collection holders can become specialists in their chosen genus, reflected by the awarding of “Scientific” status to the collection. The collection holder can be a professional or amateur gardener, botanist, or conservationist, and the collection, depending on the genus chosen, can vary from “species only” to certain hybrids within a genus, or even a historical collection based on a person, nursery, or garden, or a particular time.

For more information about collections please see the Plant Heritage website – or contact your nearest Collection coordinator from the details listed here:

Northern Ireland Reg Maxwell

Republic of  Ireland Claire McNally and Andrew Gee

There are thirteen collections listed for Ireland at present, the details of which are given below.

Note: in 2012 The Escallonia collection has been withdrawn by Mr. David Gilliland because of losses during hard winters and collections in Mount Stewart are being reassessed and are now under Reserve Collection status.

Eucryphia (24 types)

Lady Anthea Forde
Seaforde Gardens, Seaforde, Co. Down, N. Ireland

Eucryphia (26 types) and Nothofaguas (16 types)

Mr. Sean Heffernan,
Head Gardener, Mount Usher Gardens, Ashford, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

Garrya (10 types)

The Director,
National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Tel: 018040300

Garrya x issaquahensis ‘Glasnevin Wine’
Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’

Hosta (1,516 types) and Agapanthus

Mr. Ian Scroggy
Bali-Hai Mail Order Nursery,
42 Largy Road, Carnlough, Ballymena,Co. Antrim. Northern Ireland, UK. BT440EZ
Tel: 0044 2828885289

Hosta ‘Dreamweaver’


Libertia (20 types)

Dublin Zoo, Co. Dublin

Libertia x butleri ‘Amazing Grace’. Photo from Stephen Butler
Libertia chilensis Elegans Group. Photo from Stephen Butler
Libertia cranwelliae. Photo from Stephen Butler

Narcissus (400 types)

(Guy Wilson Introductions)

Mr. A.N.B. Campbell
Guy L. Wilson Daffodil Garden
University of Ulster at Coleraine, Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
N. Ireland, BT52 15A

Narcissus ‘W. P. Milner’
Narcissus triandrus ‘Lemon Drops

Olearia (50 types)

Talbot Botanic Gardens, Malahide Castle
Senior Parks Superintendent
Parks Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords,
Dublin 1, Ireland

Olearia phylogopappa ‘Comber’s Blue’

Potentilla fruticosa (226 types)

Mr. K. Halpenny
Senior Executive Parks Superintendent
Parks Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords,
Dublin 1, Ireland