Our Newsletter
The society produces a Newsletter which is sent to all members three times each year. A useful way of keeping members in touch with each other, it includes news of forthcoming events, articles on plants, gardens and garden history, requests for information, notes on books and plants.
An archive of our newsletters is being added to the site and can be accessed under “Publications” – “Newsletters”.
Articles are in PDF format. You can download a free application for reading this type of file here.
Our Journal – Moorea
The society’s journal, Moorea, was first published in 1982 and is sent to every member during its year of publication. It contains papers on the history of Irish gardens and garden plants, on gardening in Ireland, botanical notes and book reviews. Some back issues are available for purchase. Contact Us for details.
All back issues of Moorea are available in PDF format and can be accessed under “Publications” – “Moorea” above.