Lavistown House Gardens

Saturday 10th August 2024, 14.00 – 16.30

Lavistown House, Lavistown, Co. Kilkenny. R95E5NH

Lavistown is a restored country garden dating from 1810 located close to the River Nore just south of Kilkenny city. It features a reworking of classic garden elements with contemporary features including a gravel garden, an extensive collection of grasses and a pond area.

There are steps which can be avoided by taking a different route. Most of the garden is flat. Suitable footwear is a good idea as there are a lot of routes that cross the lawns. The visit includes garden walk, talk and tea/ coffee & scones/ biscuits.

The cost for members is €18 and for members guests is €20. Booking will be available via Eventbrite from mid July.